A haven for yarn addicts, whether you knit, crochet, or finger-weave. Join the other yarn-a-holics in a comfy, low-key atmosphere, bring your own project to work on or start something new. There will be materials to use on an ongoing basis throughout the conference, as well as scheduled workshops described in the conference program.
Come check out the expanded Game Deck. The game deck has always been a nice spot to get away and relax, but now it is even better. Come play our new cooperative games, or slaughter your friend at chess; participate in a Magic Tournament, or line up dominos and make them fall down; or just enjoy a quiet game. Regardless of what is scheduled, you can still put your feet up and play any game of your choice. Or make up your own game—rules are made to be broken!
The Registration desk opens Thursday evening. Come pick up your badges and information before heading out to the Thursday night events. The desk will be open daily during the following hours:
Thursday 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Sunday 9:00 am - 12:00pm
The Exhibit Hall is be open Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Exhibit Hall is free to the general public both days. Come in and see what’s new with your favorite businesses, discover a supplier for that hard-to-find game or book, and find products and services available to homeschoolers.
Be sure to drop some raffle tickets into the boxes at the Information Table in the BayshoreFoyer. Homeschool groups and businesses as well as participating vendors generously donate many wonderful items. All proceeds go toward HSC’s important work supporting and protecting homeschooling in California. Purchase raffle tickets at the HSC Information Table in the Grand Peninsula Foyer. Drawings will be held at the Information Table on Sunday Afternoon. You must be at the conference to win!
Thank you to all our volunteers. This conference could not exist without you. Once you have checked in at the HSC Registration Desk, stop by the adjacent Volunteer Desk. If you would like to volunteer on an hourly basis, please see us at the Volunteer Desk. It is never too late to offer your help and get to meet cool people along the way. Stop at the Volunteer Desk where we will help you find the best fit.